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A-Level Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors will help in your search for top private A-Level Physics tutors. If you are searching for "the best A-Level Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to locate private Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Physics teachers, so start finding your A-Level Physics tutor today!

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  1. Haadi

    A-Level Physics Tutor Near Me
    PhD in Physics Lecturer in FE college 23 years teaching experience award for the BEST Lecturer of PHYSICS Asssociate Member and Scholar of IOP(Institute of Physics) In tutoring, what works is the one-to-one relationship between the student and tutor. With only one person to focus on, I try a va...
  2. Richard

    Private A-Level Physics Tuition
    I am a young and passionate teacher who taught Science at a high obtaining grammar school in Kent for 3 years. I have since left to become a full-time private tutor and have now been doing this for 9 years which I thoroughly enjoy and have received some fantastic feedback. I specialise in Physics a...
  3. Rashida

    A-Level Physics Tuition Near Me
    I am a mother of two who works full time as a tutor at a secondry school in london leading seminars where i teach small focus groups chemistry, physics and biology and go over any topics that the students may suggest they need further understanding. I studied chemistry, physics and math in my countr...
  4. Peter

    Private A-Level Physics Tutor
    I've been working as a maths and science tutor since 2016. Prior to my work as a tutor I worked as a science technician for three years in various schools and colleges in London. And prior to that I worked for three years as a research and teaching assistant at the University of British Columbia, ...
  5. Henry

    Home Tuition for A-Level Physics
    I completed my Undergraduate degree at the University of Cambridge reading Mathematics a few years ago and have been teaching since. I achieved A*s in my Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry A Levels at a leading state grammar school and achieved 13 A*s at GCSE. Students learn best from someo...
  6. Arthur

    A-Level Physics Lessons
    I am a highly experienced mathematics and physics tutor with a passion for helping students achieve their full potential. I focus on preparing students for upcoming examinations in 11+, GCSE and AS/A level mathematics and further mathematics, and I am comfortable working with students of all ability...
  7. George

    Private A-Level Physics Tuition
    I have extensive tutoring experience, specializing in Physics education for both GCSE and A Level. Additionally, I offer tutoring in A Level Mathematics. I hold a postgraduate degree in Applied Physics and began my career as a physicist in Optoelectronics Research & Development before transitioning...
  8. Luke

    A-Level Physics Lessons
    I’ve always been interested in sciences but know first-hand that interest and effort alone doesn’t always translate to solid exam performance. I studied Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A-Level (A*A*A*) and Computing and Further Maths (AA) at AS-Level. I then tutored A-Level Physics at my school duri...
  9. Elaine

    A-Level Physics Teacher
    Currently I operate a small foot health care business, focusing mainly on sports injury. In 2015 I graduated from the university of Glasgow with a masters degree in Biotechnology and in 2013 from the Open University with an honours degree in Natural Sciences. Throughout my career in the foot health ...
  10. Michael

    A-Level Physics Tutoring
    I have recently finished studying Dentistry аt the University оf Bristоl and have been offering personal tuition for many years. During this time I have helped many people from a wide range of ages and abilities with exams ranging from foundation years of degree courses to GCSE and A-Levels. I have ...

Our simple search tool at the top of the page allows you to type in your postcode so that we can provide you with a list of appropriate A-Level physics tutors close to where you live. You will then be able to make a decision based on a tutors qualifications, experience, charges and reviews whilst reading through each tutors unique and detailed profile description. This will help you start your A-Level physics tuition with confidence.

The standard model of Particle Phyics

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If you are an A-Level physics tutor looking to offer your tutoring services in A-Level physics or any of our other subjects then First Tutors is the place for you. Our simple registration process means you could be online and ready for students to find you in a short amount of time. Simply register to create your own personal tutoring profile and start delivering A-Level physics tuition or click here to find out more.

A-Level Physics Question - Fields and their applications

Q. (i) Why, despite the electrostatic repulsion between protons, are the nuclei of most low nucleon number atoms stable?

Q. (ii) Why do stable nuclei of higher nucleon number have greater numbers of neutrons than protons?

A-Level Physics Riddle

Q: I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?

A-Level Physics Joke

Q: What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?

A-Level Physics Fact

Uranus is the only planet in our solar system that rolls on its side like a barrel, while Venus is the only planet that spins in the opposite direction to Earth.