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A-Level Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors will help in your search for top private A-Level Physics tutors. If you are searching for "the best A-Level Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to locate private Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Physics teachers, so start finding your A-Level Physics tutor today!

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  1. Sam

    A-Level Physics Tutor Near Me
    PhD Graduate ✅ 3 years secondary education experience ✅ UKMT/problem-solving specialist ✅ Professional working in finance and tech ✅ I earned a PhD in Nuclear Physics from The University of Manchester in 2017, where my studies involved both experimental and theoretical research with a particular...
  2. Visesh

    Private A-Level Physics Tuition
    I am currently working as Clinical Application Specialist in the Health Sector, based in Gloucester, UK. I have a professional background in both Engineering and Teaching and have a strong academic background in mathematics and the physical sciences. I’m well-versed in catering to the diverse requi...
  3. Aidan

    A-Level Physics Tuition Near Me
    Hi, I'm Aidan. Originally from Newcastle I've moved around the UK quite a bit in the past with work and moved back to Scotland in 2014 ago after having lived in Cardiff (for the 2nd time) for a year or two. I've had a varied academic and working career but am now happily working as a university lect...
  4. Soleiman

    Private A-Level Physics Tutor
    I have a Master's in Process Systems Engineering from Imperial College. Before this, I studied Medicine with Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge. I have over 10 years of experience teaching Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics. I have experience in 11+, 13+ and early ...
  5. Erica

    Home Tuition for A-Level Physics
    Patient, friendly and knowledgeable teacher. Able to inspire and build confidence. Can identify and address misconceptions. I have a master's degree in Physics and Astrophysics and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). I've been a teacher for 15 years and still enjoy it. Adaptable depending on needs and a...
  6. Lee

    A-Level Physics Lessons
    Hi, I'm Lee! I'm a graduate of the University of Liverpool with over ten years experience as a Maths, Science and specialist Physics tutor. I have had a keen interest in learning from an early age. As a student, I was eager to explore and understand the world around me. It was this thirst for knowl...
  7. Carlos Andres

    Private A-Level Physics Tuition
    I studied a Master in Physics with Philosophy for four years at the University of York (1st in Physics, 2.1 Overall). I Also studied for a PhD in Theoretical Physics for 2 years in the same institution. As well as being a native Spanish speaker, I am fluent in English and have lived in the UK for ov...
  8. Iskil

    A-Level Physics Lessons
    PGCE certified and have MSc. in Petroleum Engineering . I have over 10 years of experience tutoring students from various backgrounds and abilities in the UK. My experience includes providing tuition in BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND MATHS for students in their regular school curriculum, introd...
  9. Sohail

    A-Level Physics Teacher
    I am an experienced Physics teacher currently teaching in an East Renfrewshire school. I have extensive experience of presenting at all levels up to Advanced Higher. With the introduction of the new National courses over the last 7 years, I have been very involved in the developing of these courses ...
  10. Michal

    A-Level Physics Tutoring
    I hold a PhD degree in Physics from the University of Edinburgh. I graduated, also from the University of Edinburgh, with Master of Arts in Philosophy and Physics (First Class Honours). I am a scientist and a science communicator. I am a very patient open-minded teacher and always try different appr...

Our simple search tool at the top of the page allows you to type in your postcode so that we can provide you with a list of appropriate A-Level physics tutors close to where you live. You will then be able to make a decision based on a tutors qualifications, experience, charges and reviews whilst reading through each tutors unique and detailed profile description. This will help you start your A-Level physics tuition with confidence.

The standard model of Particle Phyics

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If you are an A-Level physics tutor looking to offer your tutoring services in A-Level physics or any of our other subjects then First Tutors is the place for you. Our simple registration process means you could be online and ready for students to find you in a short amount of time. Simply register to create your own personal tutoring profile and start delivering A-Level physics tuition or click here to find out more.

A-Level Physics Question - Fields and their applications

Q. (i) Why, despite the electrostatic repulsion between protons, are the nuclei of most low nucleon number atoms stable?

Q. (ii) Why do stable nuclei of higher nucleon number have greater numbers of neutrons than protons?

A-Level Physics Riddle

Q: I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?

A-Level Physics Joke

Q: What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch?

A-Level Physics Fact

Uranus is the only planet in our solar system that rolls on its side like a barrel, while Venus is the only planet that spins in the opposite direction to Earth.