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I have an MSc and PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester, and I graduated with a distinction in control systems engineering. I have expert proficiency in the use of MATLAB, Simulink, Python, and C/C++ programming.

I engage in online-tuition of University-Level Engineering Courses. I take a bottom-top approach to tutoring i.e. ensure the basics are firmly grounded while gradually introducing complex concepts and using copious amount of examples while at it.

Tutoring Experience

I have over 14 years of teaching experience in University-Level Engineering Courses in Electrical and Electronic Engineering including but not limited to

1./ mathematics
2./ signals & systems
3./ communication systems
4./ robotics, control systems & DSP
5./ machine-learning and artificial-intelligence
6./ electronics (e.g. BJTs, MOSFETS, Rectifiers, Buck-Boost Converters etc.)

I provide tutoring assistance to undergraduate and MSc students, and my research focused on control systems engineering during my PhD studies at the University of Manchester. In addition, I have expert proficiency in the use of MATLAB, Simulink, Python, and C/C++ programming.

Tutoring Approach

Understanding the basics enhances learning. Use of analogies and aids has always been my strong point when I teach and explain concepts to students.

I take a bottom-top approach to tutoring, that is, I ensure the basics are firmly grounded while gradually introducing complex concepts and using copious amount of examples while at it. Furthermore, I employ a student-centered teaching and learning practices by engaging my students in active learning techniques such as concept maps and faded worked examples.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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University of Manchester2014DoctorateElectrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Manchester2010MastersElectrical and Electronic Engineering

Razak's Feedback

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Rating from 4 references


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