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Private Tutor (UK qualified and practising GCSE English teacher in a UK secondary school)
- English Language and Literature at KS3, GCSE and A' Level
- English as a second language and cultural awareness of life in the UK
- Religious Studies at GCSE and A' Level
- Sociology at GCSE and A' Level

Tutoring Experience

I am a British born, UK qualified teacher with post graduate qualifications from Russell Group universities and with 18 years of experience teaching in secondary schools in the UK. I have been a senior leader in secondary schools as a Senior Vice Principal and Assistant Principals for a range of 7 years with a variety of leadership responsibilities which included leading on teaching and learning as well as training teachers. I have been an Examiner for a variety of exams boards and have the necessary skills and experience to ensure students make progress and are supported suitably in this by my caring and warm approach.

Tutoring Approach

I am relentless in ensuring I get the best out of students to secure their future academic success. It is important that students understand the wording of questions, how to structure written responses and what examiners are looking for; through practice, students can build confidence and skills for their exams. I firmly believe that the teaching and learning opportunities that I will expose your child to, will enhance and increase their chances of success in life beyond their studies and into the world of work and the real world.

My approach with students is to support students with schoolwork and to build confidence and enjoyment. I am able to teach English Language and English Literature GCSE as well as KS3. I am also qualified to teach Religious Studies and Sociology at GCSE and A’Levels. I am flexible in adapting to any other requirements of teaching and academic support which is recognised as a need for your child. I have the skills to support students with all learning needs from low ability and high ability students with differentiation and challenge.

I develop bespoke and individualised lessons based on the exam board and papers which your child will be assessed on for their course (KS3 curriculum, KS4 GCSE Language and/or Literature or A’Level). This will also incorporate their current working at grade and target grade for their course if they are in a UK school. The cost for the tuition includes this planning, the taught tuition and the marking for an hour’s fee.

For adults and casual learners who want to be taught English; I am able to create bespoke learning units for English writing, reading and speaking to suit your learning needs, as well as accommodating your ability level.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Bengali
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2002BachelorsEnglish Studies and Theology
University of Birmingham2003PGCEReligious Studies, English and Sociology
Joseph Leckie Academy2004QTSQualified Secondary School Teacher - UK
Ambition School Leadership2014ProfessionalFuture Leader

Khadeja's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
25% discount on your first lesson!
Casual Learner£35£29.75
Religious StudiesIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£25£21.25
Casual Learner£30£25.50
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