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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Sociology Tutors Near Me

First Tutors will help you quickly find quality local Sociology tutors. If you are looking for "the best Sociology tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to find local Sociology tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Sociology tuition, so start finding your private Sociology tutor today!

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  1. Linda

    Sociology Tutor Near Me
    I am a well-qualified and experienced English and entrance exams tutor with over 24 years' experience. I work in local schools and privately. I am available during the day, evenings and Saturdays. I aim to make my sessions interesting and enjoyable as well as educational. I use a wide variety of res...
  2. Russell

    Private Sociology Tuition
    I am a passionate historian and sociologist that loves the subjects that I teach. I have been studying history and sociology for many years now, as well as teaching history and sociology for the past three years. Despite my age, my historical knowledge is incredibly broad and I am very well read. ...
  3. Jadie

    Sociology Tuition Near Me
    During our initial session, we will discuss your goals and targets, for the division of clear strategies in helping you reach your academic targets. We will also identify the exam board you are preparing for, and devise a plan on achieving your target grade, to realistically strive to achieve both y...
  4. Joseph

    Private Sociology Tutor
    I am a qualified and experienced teacher and tutor of over twenty years standing. I have taught both GCSE and A level at Collingham College, an independent, selective college in Kensington and Chelsea. I have also taught English and Psychology at, "St Edward's College". This has been listed as one o...
  5. Jane

    Home Tuition for Sociology
    *Good availability over the Half Term and Easter Holidays for Intensive Revision!* I am a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (Teaching & Learning) and a Head of Department in an Outstanding School. I have a Masters in Applied Psychology from the University of Manchester i...
  6. Aisha

    Sociology Lessons
    I am a qualified maths teacher, entering my 8th full year of teaching and tutoring. I am a law graduate with a 2:1 degree in Law and have obtained my PGCE with QTS qualification. I have been working in a secondary school as a Teacher of Maths. I have been teaching for 7 years now, with experience in...
  7. Mohammed

    Private Sociology Tuition
    I teach a number of different subjects including English, Business Management, Philosophy, Government & Politics, Criminology and Sociology (plus other social sciences). All levels from GCSE - University. I provide specialist essay/dissertation writing course that has helped many students deal with ...
  8. Zaynab

    Sociology Lessons
    Hello, welcome to my profile. Before contacting me for tutoring, please read my profile and then let me know in your first message that you have done so (this is to ensure that you are fully informed before contacting me to ask me so that you are not asking the same questions I have already answer...
  9. Emily

    Sociology Teacher
    My name is Emily, and I am a qualified teacher of English. I live in Colchester with my husband and have worked in state schools in Essex and Suffolk and lectured at the University of Essex. I love tutoring because I enjoy watching children and young people work towards and meet their potential. I ...
  10. Michael

    Sociology Tutoring
    I studied Theology at both Leeds Trinity College and Durham University, where I achieved a First Class Honours degree and later Merit. After doing regular guest teaching and classroom assistance, I took the PTLLS Level 4 at the Advance Training Academy and began tutoring in 2014. Since then I have...

Why choose First Tutors for your Sociology tutor search in the UK?

This is the only website to meet the most talented local Sociology tutor for your educational needs. Each tutor is required to go through a thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive pupil reviews on each tutor to help you refine your online Sociology teacher search. Sociology can be a hard subject, and working with an expert Sociology teacher can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). Regularly, already a little bit of extra Sociology tuition or some extra Sociology classes can make a huge impact! First Tutors is here to make it simple for students. Start private tuition today and find a professional Sociology tutor near you today!

Become a Sociology instructor in the UK!

Join First Tutors if you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Sociology lessons, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about us here. A tutor can make a positive impact on a tutee's life!