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Primary Physics Tutors Near Me

First Tutors will help in your search for top private Primary Physics tutors. If you are looking for "the best Primary Physics tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you find local Physics tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online Physics tuition, so start finding your Primary Physics tutor today!

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  1. Margaret

    Primary Physics Tutor Near Me
    I have been teaching for over 20 years and have gained a wealth of experience throughout secondary education. I have built up a reputation as a teacher who gets excellent results and have recently been rewarded for my school's improved Science results. Increasingly over the years I have found myse...
  2. Philip

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    I'm an experienced teacher of physics and provider of teacher training courses. I set up the nationally recognised project, The Physics Factory which has helped to improve the quality of physics provision in Birmingham schools. Clear explanations with good understanding of misconceptions and how to ...
  3. Tom

    Primary Physics Tuition Near Me
    I'm a friendly and patient scientist with a BSc from University of Sussex and an MSc from Imperial College London. My specialty is in experimental evolutionary biology and I'm widely read and interested in a great many things beyond that. This, combined with an understanding and gentle temperament, ...
  4. Daniel

    Private Primary Physics Tutor
    Now a business owner based out of Chiswick and working in different places, I graduated from Durham University with a Masters Degree in Physics in Physics and Astronomy in 2012. I am passionate about the Sciences and Mathematics and igniting enthusiasm for these subjects in young people. Originally...
  5. Blair

    Home Tuition for Primary Physics
    I hold a BEng (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering and an MSc in Design for Medical Technologies from the University of Dundee; I also hold a PGDip in Musical Theatre from the Royal Academy of Music. As well as a tutor I'm also a working actor and personal trainer. To tailor my sessions appropriately...
  6. Ka Yun

    Primary Physics Lessons
    I am half Chinese, half Thai. I grew up from a mixed-cultural background, having lived in Hong Kong, Singapore, and currently London. I'm holding both HKSAR and British citizenships. Having gone through the GCSE and IB system myself, I offer students specialised support in subjects including Biolog...
  7. Philip

    Private Primary Physics Tuition
    Hello! My name is Philip and I hold Masters Degrees in both science and business subjects. I read my masters science degree at Downing College, Cambridge University and this covered: mathematics, physics, geology, crystalline materials and computing. I have a passion for helping students to develop ...
  8. Iona

    Primary Physics Lessons
    I am from London and 23 years old. I have graduated at the Edinburgh University with a 2:1 BSc degree in Geography. This year I have completed a masters degree in environmental data science and machine learning at Imperial college London. Most of the Students I get want help in passing and preparin...
  9. Theresa

    Primary Physics Teacher
    Qualifications: Electronic Engineering with Communication Systems degree holder from the University of Surrey. IGCSE: A* in English, A in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. I offer regular tutoring services for primary and secondary school students. I adapt to the learning styles of each student...
  10. Abdullah

    Primary Physics Tutoring
    *** I am not a regular School or College teacher *** I am a highly paid Technology professional in an American multinational company and have previously worked for Swatch group, European Space Agency and Korean Research Foundation. As a hobby I enjoy tutoring students from varied age groups in Scien...

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Solar system planets with faces

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Fun Primary Physics Experiment - What absorbs more heat?

Experiment with light, colour, heat and some water to find out whether it is better to wear light or dark coloured clothes on a hot summers day. Do dark or light coloured clothes absorb more heat?

Things you will need:

  • A thermometer
  • Sticky-tape or two elastic bands
  • 2 identical drinking glasses
  • White paper
  • Black paper

What to do:

  • Wrap one glass with the white paper and one glass with the black paper. Use the tape or elastic bands to secure them.
  • Fill the glasses with the same amount of water.
  • Place the glasses in the sun ad leave them there for a couple of hours.
  • Measure the temperature in each glass.

What you will see:

  • You should notice that the glass with the black paper is hotter than the glass with the white paper.
  • Darker colours absorb more light and heat that lighter colours.
  • Lighter colours reflect more light; hence it is better to wear lighter coloured clothes on a hot summers day to stay cooler!

Primary Physics Joke

Q: What do astronauts do when they get angry?

Primary Physics Fact

Light is incredibly fast. Light from the Earth takes just 1.255 seconds to reach the Moon, and light from the Sun takes 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach the Earth!