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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you locate top private Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking tutors. If you are searching for "the best Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors enables you to search for private Philosophy / Critical Thinking tuition for any level from primary through to university level. We also offer online Philosophy / Critical Thinking teachers, so start finding your Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Scott

    Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tutor Near Me
    Hi, I'm Scott. I love teaching, making music, and the love of wisdom (philosophy!) with all my heart. I'm a scholarship graduate with extended experience in teaching, providing tuition in Philosophy and Religious Studies. I follow a student-centred approach that builds confidence as well as knowledg...
  2. Florence

    Private Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tuition
    I am a driven and dedicated recent graduate from the University of Cambridge with six years of experience tutoring students to achieve their academic goals. With a strong background in both STEM subjects and social sciences ranging from primary to University level, and a commitment to personalised l...
  3. Jonathan

    Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tuition Near Me
    With a BA in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Oxford, I am now undertaking my MPhil in the Philosophy of Film at the University of Cambridge. My breadth of study allows for a cross-subject approach to tutoring which is vital for students aiming to achieve the top grades I believe that ...
  4. Steven

    Private Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tutor
    I am a Philosophy Specialist Teacher, tutor, and recent (2012) graduate of Edinburgh University with an MA Philosophy and Theology degree with First Class Honours. In my final year I was awarded a prize for achieving the highest overall marks in my department. At my high school I received all As and...
  5. Trish

    Home Tuition for Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking
    I am a highly motivated and dedicated primary school teacher with 20+ years of experience in British state, Private and International schools. Having worked across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 throughout my career, I enjoy them all! I currently work part-time as a Key Stage 2 teacher in a local primary ...
  6. Deven

    Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Lessons
    I'm great at listening and observing, which helps me to be a great communicator. I have a wide experience across different job sectors: retail, construction and IT support. I have also volunteered at charity stores and with children's support groups (Solihull Carers). I live to learn, and get even m...
  7. Georgie

    Private Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tuition
    Hello, I am Georgie. I work at an charity for LGBT youth in my main work and spend most of my spare time in music: creating it, writing about it, and listening to it! I also love literature, chess, horticulture, and long distance running. My teaching approach is highly adaptive - I like to hear how...
  8. Zoë

    Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Lessons
    I am an experienced and dedicated tutor, having worked with young people for the last three years. I will help your child take his or her skills to the next level, achieve exam success, and truly fulfil his or her potential. Whether you are a straight A student just looking for advice on expanding y...
  9. Vincent

    Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Teacher
    Vincent originally graduated with an honours degree in mathematics and music from London University and received his postgraduate teaching qualification from Exeter University, with an additional Licentiate Diploma from Trinity College, London in music education. After spending some eight years teac...
  10. Safiyyah

    Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking Tutoring
    My name is Safiyyah **Removed By Admin**, I am currently a university student at QueenMary University of London. I have previously done the IB and IGCSE'S and for both I have achieved a distinction. My preferred subjects are Biology, Business and English which were also my HL subjects in the IB. Phi...

Why Tutor Search?

First Tutors is the best site to discover through one search the most capable local Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking teacher for educations needs. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive pupil reviews on each teacher to help you narrow your online Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking tutor search. We provide tutor rates up front, so there are no hidden fees. Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking can be a challenging subject, and working with an expert Philosophy / Critical Thinking teacher can really speed up your progress!

Want to be Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking instructor for First Tutors?

If you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking tuition, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. Primary Philosophy / Critical Thinking teacher can make a positive impact in tutee's life. Join First Tutors today!