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If you prefer to speak with an education advisor about a personalised tutor match, please call Varsity Tutors UK at 0203 962 1468, to connect with an education advisor.

Secondary French Tutors Near Me

First Tutors helps you search for quality private Secondary French tutors. If you are looking for "the best Secondary French tutors near me", we can help.

First Tutors will help you search for private French tuition for any level from primary through to university level and above. We also offer online French teachers, so start finding your Secondary French tutor today!

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60,000+ tutors across the UK
  1. Helene

    Secondary French Tutor Near Me
    I am a French native qualified teacher and culture lover who taught in different countries and settings for the last 11 years. I like the idea of meeting new people while teaching, and sharing my passion for languages with beginners or more advanced students. I believe that no matter the level you h...
  2. Paul

    Private Secondary French Tuition
    I love teaching and learning languages. I have been learning them for over twenty five years and teaching them for over ten years. From French and Spanish to Russian, German and Arabic, I love getting to grips with how they work and the world that opens up to you when you do. I've also loved teachin...
  3. Johanna

    Secondary French Tuition Near Me
    Hi! I’m Johanna. I am native French speaker with a passion for learning and education. I believe our brains start getting old when we stop learning, and I am keen to keep mine young! Learning opportunities are everywhere. Exams are simply a way to measure our application of key skills. This is whe...
  4. Ignacio

    Private Secondary French Tutor
    Hi! My name is Ignacio and I am 18 years old. I have a very multicultural background since I have lived in France, England and Spain, and I am fluent in all of the respective languages. Although I have benefited from a french education and lived in Spain for the majority of my life, I have always w...
  5. Emily

    Home Tuition for Secondary French
    I am an enthusiastic French and Spanish teacher with a joint honours degree from Warwick University. I teach French and Spanish to GCSE and I also teach Spanish A level. I always develop positive relationships with students and foster a love for learning a language. I am able to get students to work...
  6. Beverley

    Secondary French Lessons
    I am a highly qualified teacher with over twenty years of experience teaching French to primary and secondary-aged pupils. I am DBS checked, and also have experience of private tuition. I am available for home-schooling during working hours and to support KS3/4 pupils in the evenings or at the weeke...
  7. Jacqueline

    Private Secondary French Tuition
    I teach what I love: English, Drama, French and German. I have rich and varied experience from a career in international journalism. I am now an actor and playwright. I love languages and literature, and enjoy helping others to improve their knowledge and enjoyment of these subjects. Participatory. ...
  8. Cressida

    Secondary French Lessons
    I am an undergraduate student reading a bachelor's degree in French and Russian at the University of Bristol. I am currently in the fourth and final year of my degree and am hoping to graduate with a high-class degree in the summer of 2023. I am easygoing and more than happy to adapt to whatever sty...
  9. Nevin

    Secondary French Teacher
    I went to university in France and obtained a degree in Linguistics. I lived and worked there for 12 years. I enjoy tutoring French to children from Yr 7 upwards through GCSE, A Level and International Baccalaureate. Preparing candidates for for French proficiency exams such as the Delf or Tef is ...
  10. Shavine

    Secondary French Tutoring
    Hi, I am a french exchange student. I graduated last year from a double undergraduate degree in Law and Language studies at the Grenoble Alpes University in France. Now I am studying for a Masters in International Law and cybersecurity at UEA (University of East Anglia). As a candidate for a tutorin...

Why Tutor Search?

First Tutors is the only site to locate the most skilled home Secondary French tutor for you. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive tutee reviews on each instructor to help you narrow your online Secondary French tutor search. We provide tutor charges up front, so there are no hidden fees. Secondary French can be a hard subject, and working with an expert French tutor can really help you fulfill your education goal(s)!

Want to be Secondary French instructor for First Tutors?

If you are an online instructor wishing to offer your online Secondary French tuition, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors or find out more about what we do here. Secondary French tutor can make a positive impact in student's life. Join First Tutors today!