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Home Tuition for Maths in Bristol

I am a fully qualified maths teacher with over 15 years experience of classroom teaching, and currently work as a teacher and KS5 maths coordinator at a Bristol school. I currently teach maths at secondary level, including GCSE, and Maths and Further Maths to A level. I have a wealth of experience teaching students of all abilities, and an extensive knowledge of preparing students for exams and ensuring successful outcomes for them.

Tutoring Experience

In addition to my extensive classroom teaching experience, I have tutored many students over the last ten years, ranging from supporting primary-age students in year 4 to gain confidence with their basic numeracy, to helping students in year 11 and year 13 prepare for their exams. I have prepared students for a range of exam boards, including OCR, Edexcel and AQA, and in my role as a KS5 coordinator I have good overview of the different exam boards and an up to date knowledge of the exam specifications. As a practicing classroom teacher, I also have up to date knowledge and training in the most recent innovations in mathematics teaching, such as 'maths mastery'.

Tutoring Approach

Taking a friendly, flexible, learner-led approach, I like to focus on misconceptions and "stuck" questions, identified by either the student or my own diagnostic questioning, to ensure rapid progress. I seek to address the misconceptions systematically, drawing on my experience and knowledge of approaches to mathematics learning, and build confidence through practice. I have developed an effective online tutoring style, using an online interactive whiteboard, which my students feel does not detract in any way from their mathematics learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


General Teaching Council2007QTSQualified Teacher Status
University of Bristol2006PGCESecondary Mathematics
University of Sheffield2005MastersMEng (First) in Mechanical Engineering

William's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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