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My passion has always been storytelling. I work full time as a filmmaker, taking briefs and producing video content for a wide range audiences. But it has always been the narrative that interests me, and I believe telling stories is an essential asset of humanity.

I love English, not only to teach it but to inspire students to enjoy the subject.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught students A level and GCSE, English literature and language. I have tutored a wide range of students, from those who are lacking engagement, to students who are looking to push beyond their classmates. In both situations I have achieved immense success.

Tutoring Approach

As mentioned, I believe you need to adjust your strategy to fit each student. My main priority is to make sure students enjoy the subject, once you enjoy English, success will surely follow. At a higher level, I look to influence students writing to a level beyond the highest expectations of the exam boards. Teaching students to write prose that not only meets exam criteria, but will set them up to be fabulous writers for the rest of their careers.

I can also offer exclusive advise for students who may wish to pursue creative writing, film or journalism.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Bournemouth2020BachelorsScriptwriting for Film and TV
Fortismere2017CollegeEnglish Literature
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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