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Hi, my name is Waleed! I'm 24 and I graduated from University of Manchester with a Bachelor of Science Chemistry degree.
I tutor in Maths, English and Science from Primary to College level. Need help with something else? Send me a message and perhaps we can work it out!
Furthermore, I am currently studying Arabic at a private institute; my hobbies are reading, working out and writing.

Do you also want to improve your grades? Do not hesitate to send a message!
I am available on weekdays and weekends, just send me a message to see if a slot is available.

Tutoring Experience

I have previously tutored over 80 people and have made all of them successfully pass their exams. All ranging from ages of 6-47! I have taught officially as a tutor for 500+hours and unofficially (friends or classmates) for even longer!

Tutoring Approach

I am someone who conforms to his student to make him/her comfortable and create a comfortable atmosphere. That's the first step of tutoring for me! And the rest works on that, creating a good environment in lessons to learn!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Manchester2015BachelorsBachelors of Science in Chemistry (Degree)
St Marys College2012CollegeA-Level Maths Grade: A
St Marys College2012CollegeA-Level Chemistry Grade: A
St Marys College2012CollegeA-Level Biology Grade: A
St Marys College2012CollegeA-Level Physics Grade: A
Rating from 2 references


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