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Maths Tutoring in Perth

I am a warm and enthusiastic teacher with an upbeat approach to education. Fully qualified with GTC Scotland, I specialise in Secondary education and have extensive experience in preparing pupils for their national exams.

Tutoring Experience

I have extensive experience as both a classroom teacher and a personal tutor, having guided numerous students to success over the years. My tailored teaching approach ensures that each pupil receives the individual attention they need to thrive. I take pride in fostering confidence and academic excellence in my students, helping them achieve their full potential.

Tutoring Approach

Are you the vehicle in search of an inspiring driver? Whether it’s the elegance of a Fibonacci sequence, the chaotic dance of the stars, or mastering the art of learning itself, does that spark your curiosity? If so, it's likely we can build a strong and dynamic team together.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Aristotle University Thessaloniki2009BachelorsPhysics Degree
GTC Scotland2019ProfessionalGTC Fully Registered
University of Dundee 2023MastersMaster in Education

Vasileios's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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