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Vania Maria

Vania Maria

I am Italian and I have lived abroad for many years. I lived in Spain, Ireland and the UK. I enjoy travelling, reading, and anjoying life. I am passionate about languages, education and teaching to different levels. I have been teaching for many years and I will never be tired of it. I worked at the University of Exeter, where I studied applied translation and qualified to teach in secondary schools. I am patient, well-prepared and I have experience with all exam boards and also worked as an Edexcel examiner. I love my job also because I learn so much from my students and I cannot think of a more rewarding career than teaching.

Tutoring Experience

I have considerable experience teaching Italian and Spanish to (I)GCSE, A level and IB diploma (ab initio and B level). I also taught Italian at the University of Exeter and Universuty College of Dublin. I believe that my academic background and my wealth of teaching experience in the UK and overseas, makes me a strong, reliable and effective Tutor.

Tutoring Approach

I strive to make my lessons effective and engaging by fostering critical thinking skills. I ensure that my students are directly involved in their own learning process. My objectives are to facilitate the acquisition of lifelong learning skills, to help students develop problem-solving strategies, and to prepare them to function as highly skilled and competent speakers of another language. I use real resouces and I like to embed my lessons with the cultural element. I train my students for the 4 language skills and I taylor my lessons to their needs and requirements. I love teaching grammar, as fundamental to manipulate the language.

LanguagesItalian, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Exeter, UK2007PGCEPGCE
University of Exeter, UK2008MastersMaster's degree in Applied Translation
University of Lecce, Italy1999BachelorsBA in Foreign languages and literature (English & Spanish)

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Vania Maria
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