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Home Tuition for English and Italian in Woking

Hi, my name is Valentina and I am Italian. I have been living in the UK since 2002. I am a very friendly, reliable, approachable person, but professional and trustworthy at the same time. I am very honest and I work very hard to achieve my targets. I am sure I can help you to achieve the results that you are looking for and, with my support, learning something new will be just a positive and enjoyable experience!

Tutoring Experience

Since 2003 I have been giving lessons to students of any age; my students are usually preparing university exams or interviews, GSCE, A-levels, business people, or anyone else who needs an extra support to achieve better results. I also run private courses to prepare students to school exams, as internal and external candidates; I work with all the major exam boards (AQA, Edexcel, Cambridge...) as private tutor, but also in the most well known private schools in Surrey and South East region.

Tutoring Approach

My lessons are very well planned in advance and delivered with confidence. I will make sure that your learning level will go up lesson by lesson! After a first assessment, I will prepare a tuition plan and the learning process will start. The positive results will come very soon!

LanguagesItalian, English (British), French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File



Valentina's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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