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Private Entrance Exams and Study Skills Tutor in Cheadle

I am Dr Valeed Ghafoor a UK trained doctor.

I work as a GP partner and specialist in Emergency and Acute medicine. I also have experience in remote consulting and working as a specialist in sexual health, HIV and psychiatry.

I run an education company where I help medical students get into medical school which you can find at

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored medical students for over a decade and have been a post graduate educator for over 6 years.

I have a formal qualification in post graduate education and I am a registered trainer for foundation, GPST and GP registrars. I act as both a clinical and educational supervisor.

I have tutored and mentored pharmacists, nurses, physician associates and helped many professionals achieve their independent prescriber status. As a result I have the ability to cater my approach to any individual I come across.

Tutoring Approach

I focus on one to one teaching. I take a "foundation to expert" approach, where I ensure you have excellent foundations in anatomy, physiology and pathology which helps you understand better why investigations and treatments are done the way they are. I believe having a solid foundation helps you become a better student and more importantly helps you retain information long term.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Punjabi, Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Manchester2014BachelorsMBChB
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists2017OtherDRCOG
Royal College of General Practitioner2019ProfessionalMRCGP
University of Central Lancashire2021PGCEClinical Practice, Management and Education
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
25% discount on your first lesson!
Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£50£45
Study SkillsIn-personOnline
Casual Learner£50£45
Casual Learner£50£45
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