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Alexander Toby

Alexander Toby

Online English and History Tuition

I am Philosophy Graduate with a passion for ideas and critical thinking. I have written articles for a variety of blogs and delivered lectures to academic audiences.

Everything I do is influenced by my passion for ideas and my desire to convey them to others, a conscientious work ethic and lively sense of humour.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught IT at The Department For Work and Pensions. I have previously taught Judo at senior and junior levels.

Tutoring Approach

I try to meet every individual where they are in their journey of learning, rather than impose preconceived ideas on them. I try and find out how each student learns and in light of this tailor my teaching to fit them.

I always try to keep things fun and interesting as people achieve more when they are engaged an excited. I avoid pointless jargon and needless technicality.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The University of Reading2013BachelorsPhilosophy
Alexander Toby
Rating from 2 references


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