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Private Maths and English Tuition in Hove

Having taught for over twenty years, I began my own tuition business (Kids Get Busy Tuition and Workshops) as I witnessed too many children not accessing the curriculum through the mainstream schooling system.
I home educated my own son who is autistic and dyslexic for over ten years and is now at college. My daughter is also home educated and is about to take her GCSEs.
Alongside my own kids, I take great pride in having tutored many schooled and home educated children whose confidence soared throughout my time with them.
I’m DBS/insured and have QTS.

Tutoring Experience

I’ve taught for over twenty years and specialise in SEN/primary although I do teach both maths and English up until year 9. I have both professional and personal experience in teaching children with a range of additional needs including autism, ADHD, PDA and GDD among others.
I also offer Functional Skills in maths and English as well as English as a foreign language which I taught for many years before becoming a primary school teacher. (TEFL qualified).

Tutoring Approach

As I work with many children who have anxiety, I make sure we build a relationship first and foremost. From there, I informally assess their needs through a range of games/activities based around their interests.
I firmly believe a child will reach their potential with shared communication between school (if relevant), parents and tutor.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


South Bank University2004QTSQTS
South Bank University 2004PGCEPGCE
Rating from 3 references


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