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Maths and Latin Tuition in Maidenhead

Retired early after my career in academia gave way to a longer career in data analytics. Financially secure but still need to pay mortgage so want to go back to what I love doing.

Tutoring Experience

Taught maths from pre-GCSE to Oxford undergraduates while working through my PhD and at Oxford as a postdoctoral researcher.
More recently, teaching my five kids, including homeschooling two of them in Latin up to AS level Also a lot of training at work, including getting nominated by CIIA for a training programme.

Tutoring Approach

Latin: I will follow the "So you really want to learn latin books?" unless people have covered this material. Rote learning will be needed, and homework.
Maths: Will concentrate on underlying princples, and testing the foundational understanding. If that is strong, can move to the next level.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


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