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Music Tutoring in Alnwick

I've taught professional music education in Northumberland for 20 years in over 100 sites across all 3 tiers, mostly in mainstream and often in SEN. I've held advanced classes at colleges and universities throughout our region and currently deliver expert private tuition from beginner to advanced diploma level using all of the nationally accredited exam syllabus boards from Contemporary to classical. My experience in practical tutoring is vast. Currently I coach students who have recently gained entry to Manchester's prestigious Northern College of Music solely due to their achievements outside of school. My own practical skill has been assessed at NVQ level 6 standard, my knowledge of the industry immeasurable. I've been trained by industry professionals most of whom world class. Horacio Hernandez, Paco Pena, Thomas Lang, Billy Cobham, Stuart Copeland, to name a few. I teach readers and non readers of conventional musical notation from contemporary to classical, beginner to advanced diploma through GCSE - A level and everywhere in between often using several of the main music examination boards for enrolment of my students. Recent achievements are staggering. Lately I tutored a 16 yr old performance diploma candidate who achieved a distinction with Rockschool having gained a distinction in his grade 8 studies at 13 yrs.

Tutoring Experience

I've taught professional music education in Northumberland for 20 years in over 100 sites across all 3 tiers, mostly in mainstream and often in SEN. I've held advanced classes at colleges and universities throughout our region and currently deliver expert private tuition from beginner to advanced diploma level using all of the nationally accredited exam syllabus boards from Contemporary to classical. My experience in practical tutoring is vast. Currently I coach students who have recently gained entry to Manchester's prestigious Northern College of Music solely due to their achievements outside of school. My own practical skill has been assessed at NVQ level 6 standard, my knowledge of the industry immeasurable. I've been trained by industry professionals most of whom world class. Horacio Hernandez, Paco Pena, Thomas Lang, Billy Cobham, Stuart Copeland, to name a few. I teach readers and non readers of conventional musical notation from contemporary to classical, beginner to advanced diploma through GCSE - A level and everywhere in between often using several of the main music examination boards for enrolment of my students. Recent achievements are staggering. Lately I tutored a 16 yr old performance diploma candidate who achieved a distinction with Rockschool having gained a distinction in his grade 8 studies at 13 yrs.

Tutoring Approach

I've taught professional music education in Northumberland for 20 years in over 100 sites across all 3 tiers, mostly in mainstream and often in SEN. I've held advanced classes at colleges and universities throughout our region and currently deliver expert private tuition from beginner to advanced diploma level using all of the nationally accredited exam syllabus boards from Contemporary to classical. My experience in practical tutoring is vast. Currently I coach students who have recently gained entry to Manchester's prestigious Northern College of Music solely due to their achievements outside of school. My own practical skill has been assessed at NVQ level 6 standard, my knowledge of the industry immeasurable. I've been trained by industry professionals most of whom world class. Horacio Hernandez, Paco Pena, Thomas Lang, Billy Cobham, Stuart Copeland, to name a few. I teach readers and non readers of conventional musical notation from contemporary to classical, beginner to advanced diploma through GCSE - A level and everywhere in between often using several of the main music examination boards for enrolment of my students. Recent achievements are staggering. Lately I tutored a 16 yr old performance diploma candidate who achieved a distinction with Rockschool having gained a distinction in his grade 8 studies at 13 yrs.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


King Edward VI school2000SchoolA Level Music
University 2004ProfessionalPerfdip
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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