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Online French and Italian Tuition

Hello! I am a half Argentine, half Welsh teacher who was born and raised in Cyprus. I live in Belfast where I teach Spanish, French and Italian at a secondary school. I am reliable, patient and passionate about teaching and give my all to ensure that my students succeed. Outside of teaching I love running, reading and baking.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught Spanish and French to KS4 and Italian to KS3 and have worked with students of all abilities. Though I completed my PGCE in 2021, I have taught English as a Second Language in Sicily during my third year of University and have been tutoring since 2013, as such have a wealth of experience working with students in preparation for their examinations.

I offer:
Introduction to languages - primary/beginner lessons with a keen focus on building confidence and fluency.
KS3 French and Spanish - focusing on building grammar understanding, a wide range of vocabulary and enhancing all key skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. At this point I like to introduce elements of GCSE so that students go into their GCSEs prepared.
GCSE French and Spanish: I work through exam skills and have knowledge of the courses, in particular CCEA. At this point lessons are mainly focused on the areas that a student needs to enhance/improve upon.
A Level Spanish: I am able to teach the literature and film element of the course as well as the social issues and trends, whereby my Argentine heritage, as well as, experience living in Spain has afforded me a wealth of knowledge.
For casual learners each lesson is tailored to what they wish to learn, whether this is conversational or for furthering career progression.

Tutoring Approach

I use a variety of teaching methods: ICT, videos, games etc. I am a believer in active teaching and work hard to ensure my lessons are engaging and enjoyable. Each lesson is tailored to suit the needs of my students and as such can either be more heavily focused on grammar, or vocabulary. I believe that formative and summative assessment allow me to see the progress of my students and therefore allow me to further tailor and amend lesson plans to meet the needs of my students.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Queen’s University Belfast2021PGCEPGCE Modern Languages
University of Bath2018MastersInternational Relations
University of Bath2017BachelorsSpanish, Italian and European Studies
Rating from 2 references


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