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Private Physics and Chemistry Tutor in Northolt

Graduated from Roehampton University in London, I am a science teacher in a secondary school in London, teaching since last 10 years. I also have a teaching experience outside of UK. I teach all three sciences (physics, biology and chemistry). I can also teach KS3 maths. I always plan ahead of lessons to suit the individual needs of my students and give homework to reinforce the knowledge focusing on exam questions.

Tutoring Experience

Currently a science teacher at a secondary school in London.

Teaching for last 10 years in UK.

Teaching all three sciences (physics, biology and chemistry).

Can also teach KS3 maths.

5 years of teaching experience outside UK

Tutoring Approach

Since the first COVID lockdown, I have been teaching online using various apps such as Microsoft teams, Zoom and Google Meet. My students found the online sessions very effective. I use the emails to share resources and give homework. I also use past paper questions to prepare students for exams.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Nepali
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Kingston University, London2010MastersMsc
Roehampton University, London2017MastersPGCE Biology
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal2003MastersBotany

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