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Private Physics Tuition in Ealing

I m a passionate physics teacher in a very popular grammar school. I used to teach physics and science in the best state school in London for 5 years located in Holland Park. I completed my master and doctoral degrees in Physics in University of Helsinki in Finland. Obtained my teaching qualification in Finland too. In Finland I worked in an IB international/Finnish school for two years, which was an extraordinary opportunity. So my teaching methods are a blend of Finnish and British styles. I am a fun teachers and there is always positive vibes in my lessons. I challenge students and demand they work hard.
I use extra examples and problems to simplify hard questions. They will always get homeworks after each lesson, we will focus on Exam Questions. Isaac Physics is an extra source for interested pupils.
I use an interactive tablet to teach my lessons online. My feedback during lockdown was very positive.
Thank you Sherry.

Tutoring Experience

GCSE and A level physics
GCSE math

Tutoring Approach

Using simulations and history of physics for better comprehension of theories.
Problem solving techniques using visual, explanatory, descriptive models.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Helsinki2014DoctorateDoctor of philosophy in Physics
University of Helsinki2013MastersQualified Teacher Status
University of Helsinki2008MastersSolid state physics
certified by Gov.UK2017QTSQualified teacher status
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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