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I am published and trained to doctoral level in Psychology and Statistics, including child psychology and development. Prior to this, I completed my Master's degree at UCL, achieving a first-class, in Social Cognitive Neuroscience and Statistics.

I am able to prepare students for 11 or 13 plus entrance examinations, and proof-read Psychology assignments.

Please note, I take the full payment of the session beforehand to secure the time slot.

Tutoring Experience

I have over 14 years' of teaching experience. I have taught children from ages 5 and upwards, including those with special educational needs.

I am fully trained and able to detect learning difficulties such as autism, ADHD and dyslexia. I also offer consultations and recommendations for study skills for special-educational needs. Please ask about my consultation fees.

Tutoring Approach

My tailored teaching methods allow me to develop my students' study and learning skills, in addition to their confidence and self esteem. These are the components which I feel are essential in developing a positive relationship to learning and enabling them to approach difficult topics with ease.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


UCL2018MastersPsychology (1st class)
Royal Holloway University of London2021DoctorateDoctorate in Clinical Psychology

Shereen's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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