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Economics Tuition in Olney

After leaving the LSE in 1976 I worked as a professional economist for 20 years specialising in the area of food and farming

Tutoring Experience

In 1995 I joined the Cranfield School of Management as a senior lecturer in business economics. I retired from Cranfield in 2012 to run my own consultancy. Since leaving Cranfield I have been a visiting lecturer in economics at Cranfield, Cambridge, Imperial and Buckingham universities.

Tutoring Approach

My experience of teaching has consisted of formal lectures and tutorials. As a professional economist I spent many hours explaining to non-economists basic concepts. Diagrams are a feature of economics and I can both accurately draw and explain. I can also accommodate students who have a mathematically background and are comfortable with basic calculus.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


London Scholl of Economics1976BachelorsEconomics
Birkbeck, University of London1978MastersEconomics
Northampton University2014DoctorateEconomics
Cranfield School of Managent1992MastersBusiness
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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