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Hi, my name is Sarah, I am a Physics specialist with fifteen years of experience teaching 11+, GCSE, A - Level and IB students. In addition to this, I am an extremely successful private tutor who has worked for many years as an examiner for AQA. As a Physics specialist, I have a passion for the subject and a particular interest in Nuclear Physics. I am a member of the Institute of Physics and study Nuclear Physics in my spare time. My other passion is science communication. I am committed to promoting science understanding at all levels and am currently collaborating with a UK-based publishing house to produce an illustrated A -level Physics textbook. In addition to this I have independently published several 11+ textbooks including a successful vocab guide, an algebra for beginners textbook and a book of Shakespeare adaptations for KS2 learners.

As a committed educator, who places a huge emphasis on exam prep and exam technique, my students always meet or exceed their target grades. Notably, in the past six years, I have sent over 45 students to Oxbridge, UCL and Redbrick universities.

I am available for daytime, evening or weekend tuition to suit many different time zones.

Tutoring Experience

  • Over fifteen years of UK teaching experience
  • Extensive work with AQA as an examiner
  • Over 5,000 hours of private tutoring experience

Tutoring Approach

As an 11+, GCSE, A-level & lB tutor, my approach focuses on firstly consolidating my student's knowledge of their specification and then secondly on exam technique and prep. As an exam marked for AQA, I am experienced and knowledgeable in the field of exam technique and am able to share this unique insight with my students. In addition to this, I aim to pass my love of Physics and the sciences on to my students. Notably, one student began tuition in Year 9 claiming to 'hate Physics'. As a regular student of mine, he went on to choose to study it at IB level and then gained entry to UCL studying Natural Sciences.

I offer tuition at GCSE, A-Level and IB level on a one-to-one basis either in face to face or online via Zoom. 11+ tuition is offered as a small group session.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Birmingham2007BachelorsBSc Physics
University of Birmingham2008PGCEPGCE

Sarah's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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