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Online Chemistry and Biology Tutor

Hiya, I’m Sarah currently in my second year of university to become a pharmacist at a Russell group university. I recently finished my alevels, so i can relate to other students in similar positions with their GCSEs and Alevels and help them achieve the best they can in school while also enjoying their time learning.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored 5 students, 3 alevel, one GCSE and 1 ks3 student for over a year and have helped them improve their grades and methodology when it comes to answering exam questions effectively.
I also have 4 younger siblings in various stages of their education who I regularly help with their school work and to understand complex topics within their subjects.

Tutoring Approach

As a student myself, i found that understanding concepts within subjects is fundamental to understanding the subject as a whole. I would ask the students to use blurting (writing down all information they know and can remember about a topic) to identify strengths and weaknesses. Once these have been identified, i would explain the topic in a simple manner which is easy to understand and then involve key words and definitions within the topic. At the end of the session i would ask the student to summarise what they have learnt in that session or complete some practice questions to consolidate their learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Swanshurst sixth form2023CollegeBiology Alevel
Swanshurst sixth form2023CollegeChemistry Alevel
Swanshurst sixth form2023CollegePsychology Alevel

Sarah's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 4 references


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