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I am a hardworking, honest person who, when on a task is very committed, motivated and loyal to the job at hand. I strive to achieve the best result possible no matter what I am involved with. I am very passionate about teaching young people and would like to act as a role model throughout my career. When young people seek help I always make sure I am able to provide that help. I believe there is no greater sense of achievement than supporting young people. I also believe in providing a safe and positively enriching environment.

All of my prior experiences have added to my desire to follow a career path in personal tutoring.

Tutoring Experience

I have extensive successful experience working in both primary and secondary schools teaching Mathematics and English. In addition I have also arranged and provided interventions in both Numeracy and Literacy across the key stages. I have also taught Product Design, Graphic Products, Engineering, Systems and Control and Electronic Products at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 5.

I have also worked as an Assistant SENCO and SEN Teacher and have worked with a number of students who have a range of factors affecting their development.

Tutoring Approach

I provide a highly personalised and differentiated approach to personal tutoring and support young people through regular guidance, tracking and target setting. In addition I contribute to the development of self-analysis skills, independency whilst contributing to the development of skills, knowledge and attributes needed for work and later life. I would like the chance to add to a young person's life by helping them to realize their potential, helping them to develop and find their talents, skills and abilities.

Colleagues have described me as being extremely conscientious, honest and always acting with integrity. I am known for being very caring and kind to others; respectful of others regardless of their beliefs, opinions or character.

I am compassionate and can spot positive attitudes and can encourage as and where appropriate. I am able to build effective professional relationships with young people; I am a good listener and engage with young people to understand their individual needs; showing empathy as required. I enjoy thinking of new ideas and working creatively to ensure service users are included. I also have a sense of humour which can be important to reduce ‘barriers’ to learning. When confronted with negative attitudes I am able to remain calm and professional; thereby keeping challenging situations under control. I am committed to providing a safe and positive environment. I believe I can be a positive role model; being inspirational and demonstrating genuine interest towards others. I have an inclusive ethos and believe people should be involved so as to enhance their well-being; respecting their needs.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Bradford College2018CollegePersonal Tutoring
Cumbria University2011PGCESecondary (PGCE with QTS)
Northumbria University2007BachelorsTransportation Design BA (Hons)

Robert's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Craft and DesignIn-personOnline
Special NeedsIn-personOnline
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