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My name is Riley and I am currently studying Physics at the University of Leicester, and have previously studied Mathematics and Physics at both GCSE level and at A-Levels too. I also studied PE, and have experience working with young people through my part-time work, running birthday parties and school activity groups.

Tutoring Experience

I have previous experience teaching GCSE level mathematics to students with varying grade ranges. Have also some experience tutoring younger family members in GCSE higher Physics, as well as working in sports with children under age 16.

Tutoring Approach

I have an interactive and personal teaching style, catering to the needs of the student, and helping to build a well-rounded knowledge of a subject or topic. Alongside this, I want to make sure the student is engaged in the session by keeping it interesting and practical, giving them challenges and tasks to complete rather than purely displaying information for the student to try and take in. If necessary to aid the student, I can provide homework tasks and materials to solidify content learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Northampton School for Boys2022SchoolPhysics - A Level
Northampton School for Boys2022SchoolMathematics - A Level
Northampton School for Boys2022SchoolPE - A Level

Riley's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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