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Highly experienced maths teacher. Living in Braintree but I usually come to the student. I mainly deal with GCSE maths, "A" level maths, mechanics, statistics, and decision maths, and maths related topics for university students (e.g. statistics for psychology, computing or business studies).

I can travel to Chelmsford, Great Dunmow, anywhere along the A120 corridoor and even as far as Bishops Stortford if its a two hour lesson or else I am given extra for petrol.

I also offer tuition in philosophy, and have had a few requests at "A" level in the last couple of years.

I also provide help for courseworks and assignments for university students. I have professional qualifications in statistics, and in my maths MSc I specialised in Logic and Set Theory.

Homework/assignment help can be across the Internet.

Tutoring Experience

Started tutoring in 1981. Worked more or less as a full time tutor throughout the eighties and nineties in London. Probably still the most experienced private maths tutor in the UK.

Tutoring Approach

Straightforward explanation of the material on the syllabus.

Having been involved in the industry for almost all my working life, and by picking things up from other teachers' ways of doing things, I have acquired a repertoire of best techniques.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Bedford College, Univ of London1984MastersMSc Mathematics 1984.
North London Polytechnic1979BachelorsBA Philosophy 1979

Raymond's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Casual Learner£32£25.60
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