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I'm originally born in Germany and learned German as my native language alongside English once I started school and have now been living in the UK for the past 14 years. I specialised in language acquisition during my Master's in 2016/2017, following my 'Ausbildung' as Nursery Nurse in Germany and BA in Early Childhood Studies in the UK. Part of my thesis emphasised the importance of repetition in novel word learning, which is also essential to learn a new language. My everyday job includes the preparation and delivery of talks to students and a variety of adults in the medical and mental health field.

Tutoring Experience

I've previously been teaching German as a second language at primary school level and am currently teaching at the German Saturday School/Deutsche Samstagsschule in Oxford. My experience ranges from working with children as young as two years in a playful but structured way up to teaching adults in a more formal but still engaging way.

Tutoring Approach

I offer a fully flexible approach to language learning and am happy to focus on any area that students want to improve in. This can include but is not restricted to conversational practice for people that have previously learned German and would like to get some more exposure before moving overseas or include a more grammar-based approach to help achieve their personal goals in academia. Overall, I believe in providing a fun and engaging learning environment that facilitates natural language learning.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Oxford Brookes University2017MastersMSc Psychology
Oxford Brookes University2015BachelorsBA(hons) Early Childhood Studies

Ramona's Feedback

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