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Maths and Physics Lessons in Stirling

I am a Chemical Engineering graduate from the The University of Edinburgh and have also been tutoring successfully for the past 7 years. Throughout my time both tutoring and studying, I have not only been able to develop a depth of knowledge in maths and the sciences, but I have also closely understood the thinking process of a student. This allows me a lot of flexibility to tailor my tutoring approach for each student.

At school, I achieved 6 Highers at grade 'A' in Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Maths and English; and I achieved Merit Awards in Maths and French. I self-studied Higher Physics where I had to be creative in my study techniques from a young age.

Tutoring Experience

Whilst I was in high school, I taught both on a 1-1 basis and in classes how to read Arabic for 2 years. The age group to which I taught was from 5 - 16 years old. I realised, even during my teenage years, the fulfilment and reward associated from seeing students learn knowledge and build on their confidence. This has only continued and, for the past 6 years, I have been tutoring maths and sciences where I have helped students achieve their target grades and admission to their desired universities.

During university, I had an active role in the School of Engineering’s Peer-Assisted Learning scheme where I help run group tutoring sessions for first-year engineering students based on topics that they may have found difficult in class. Tutoring techniques used can depend on the topic of the sessions, varying within the spectrum of interactive, problem-based methods and the traditional blackboard-style learning.

Tutoring Approach

Each student grasps concepts in different ways, so I initially spend time with the student to understand their learning style, their strengths, as well as the topics that may need worked on. I am patient and friendly and will explain the concept in a way in which each student will personally understand. I give consistent feedback to the student and highlight their strengths in a constructive way to build their confidence. I encourage critical thinking and truly believe that practice is the key to success.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Stirling High School2014SchoolHigher Maths
The University of Edinburgh2023BachelorsBEng (Hons)
Stirling High School2015SchoolAdvanced Higher Chemistry
Stirling High School2015SchoolHigher Physics
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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