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Computer Studies / I.T. and Urdu Teacher in Abbots Langley

I have been working in IT industry for more than 13 years now and have a masters degree in computer sciences and can teach and help students to best of my abilities with my professional experience and expertise. I have been teaching students part time for few years and most of my students have achieved excellent grades.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching students as part time for about 6 years now in the following areas
1. Computer Sciences including software engineering, network and infrastructure, programming languages e.g. c#, java, php, html.
2. Firewalls.
3. Databases: MS SQL, MySQL, RDMS, Flat File
4. Frameworks: Microsoft .Net MVC, ASP.Net, Entity Framework. Laravel
5. Programming/Scripting/Design Languages: C#, PHP, Swift JAVA, C++, JAVA scripting, Ajax, Jquery HTML, CSS, Media Queries, XML, JSON, Swift
6. Project Management: Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio,
7. Email: Port25, SMTP, DKIM, SPF, DMARC, DNS, Hostname, Email Bounces (NDR’s and Server)
IP(Dedicated or Shared), IP Reputation, IP Warming, TLS Deliverability, , Email throttling,
Suppression, Email Content, Spam Scores, Email on Acid, Litmus, Sender Reputation, Blacklisting,
Email Headers, Email Content Types, Email Encodings, MTA (mail transfer/transport agents), MDA(
Mail Delivery Agents), MUA (Mail User Agents) Telnet
7. Protocols/Services: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, TCP, UDP, Webservices, REST, SOAP
8. Platforms: CRM365, Salesforce, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento 1 & 2
9. Servers: LAMP, WAMP, IIS, Windows, Linux
10. SMS Software/API : TextAnywhere
11. Security: SSL Certificates(Linux and Windows), Penetration Testing, OWASP, BurpSuite,
Integration/API/QA: SoapUI, Postman, Bugzilla, Selenium
12. Software: Visual Studio, Netbeans, SSMS, VMware, FileZilla (Client and Server), Putty, RDP Manager, VirtualBox, Wireshark, Visual SVN, Tortoise SVN, Acronis , Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
13. Hardware/Network Monitoring: PC/Server Assembling, Data Center Setup, LAN Setup, WAN Setup, Firewalls, Switches, VPN, VLAN’s, Subnetting, Packet Tracer, Wireshark, Solarwinds, Spiceworks

Tutoring Approach

With my professional experience I can teach students to understand the concepts a lot better by breaking it down and making it more interesting with my analogies and tactics with real life experience. I explain students with real life examples and scenarios so it is easy for them to understand the concepts rather than going in detail through theories. Once they understand the concept then it is easier for them to understand the books. Any doubts I am always available to help even outside of tuition, emails or phone calls.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Punjabi, Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Gift University2009BachelorsBSC(Hons) Computer Sciences
Brunel University2011MastersMSc Data Communication Systems

Qamar's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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