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Home Tuition for Physics in Waltham Forest

I am the Head of Physics in a north London independent secondary school, with over 25 years' experience of helping students develop confidence and skills in Physics. I studied Physics at Oxford and did my PGCE at the Institute of Education, London.
I still love learning about Physics by studying it, reading about it, watching films and videos connected with it and, most of all teaching it. There is nothing more satisfying, as a teacher, than helping someone have that 'penny-drop moment', when it all starts to fit into place.
I have three teenagers myself and so I understand the pressures that children face, both from a teacher's and a parent's perspective. As a form tutor to Year 12 and 13 students I also have vast experience of them navigating young adulthood, the university application process, and advising students on their next steps in life.
I know my students would say I am an empathetic and caring teacher, and that I treat them with respect and understanding.

Tutoring Experience

I have 25 years' experience as a Physics teacher in secondary schools. I have been in my current job for 20 years. In this time I have taught hundreds of students GCSE and A level Physics, with excellent results. I have taught a very wide range of abilities and I pride myself at being able to help all my students make progress and achieve the best outcome they can.
I also prepare students for university admissions exams and interviews, particularly for Oxbridge and Imperial, and oversee this provision in my school.
I am an examiner - a Team Leader (I mark the markers) - both at GCSE and at A level. I also work as a content reviser, when new papers are being written. This all means I have an exceptional understanding of the exams process and requirements, and this helps me help my students enormously.
I have some experience as a private Physics tutor, but countless experience of giving bespoke, personalised, one-to-one support to individual students over my career.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that all students can improve, given the right guidance and support. Often the only thing missing is confidence, not ability, and so I help students see that they do have knowledge and skills, and teach them how to apply them more effectively.
I also know that there are strategies students can use, which are backed up by educational research. These strategies are simple to understand and to use. Physics is a simple subject in some ways (many people disagree with this statement!) and so a simple approach is needed: identify what you know and what you don't; work on your weaknesses; keep coming back to things; practise decoding problems to get better at decoding; practise recalling information to get better at recalling; practise analysing problems to develop your skills of analysis; seek and use feedback to get better at responding to feedback. Small, achievable (yet challenging) steps lead to progress, improved confidence and improved outcomes. I strongly believe that everyone can learn, that everyone can make progress.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Oxford1992BachelorsPhysics
London Institute of Education1996PGCEScience (Physics)

Phil's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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