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Maths and Physics Tuition in Cambridge

I'm an experienced information technology professional, with great communications skills and a passion for teaching others. I have a First Class honours degree in Engineering and for the past 28 years I've worked within IT in the financial & health sectors.

Throughout my career I've worked as a coach and mentor for others and now I've decided its time to switch my focus to teaching full-time.

My hobbies include DIY (I like to understand how things work) and long-distance cycling.

Tutoring Experience

For the past seven years I've been tutoring students of all ages and abilities, specialising in Maths, Physics and Computer Science.

I can offer either regular/weekly lessons, intensive day-time tuition (including throughout the school holidays), or ad hoc lessons focused on both catching-up & getting ahead on key skills.

Evenings and weekends tend to be very busy, but I currently have extra day-time capacity to help A level students and to support summer holiday learning.

Tutoring Approach

Everyone learns in a different way, and I enjoy finding out what works best for each individual and then tailoring my style appropriately.

I employ a highly interactive teaching style, relating topics to real life example, so my students are encouraged to learn both by understanding and by practice.

Where my pupils are studying for a qualification, I teach direct from the syllabus of the exam board which they will be sitting, this (coupled with detailed reviews of past exam papers) ensures that they fully understand all the questions that they will encounter in the exams.

I teach both online and in person. For online lessons I can display all my material via screen-share and incorporate a virtual shared notepad and video tools to enhance the experience.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


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University of Surrey1987BachelorsFirst Class Honours in Engineering
Rating from 3 references


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