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Maths Tutoring in Thatcham

I am a passionate sportsman who loves all things outdoors. I believe in using fun and interactive real life (sport and/or football) based problems to teach Maths to boys and girls from age 5 to 11 (KS 1&2), who otherwise find it hard to engage with Maths in school.

Tutoring Experience

I am a qualified teacher who teaches boys and girls from ages 5-11. I have taught in the classroom as well as teaching PE and games. I have used this experience to combine the two subjects in to a fun way of learning Maths.

My further education was in the theoretical and applied science behind Sports and Exercise. This topic was taught to me through applied ways of using Stats and Biomechanics (and all things Maths) in fun interactive, real life situations (normally sports related!).

Tutoring Approach

I have a patient approach with my pupils and understand that all children have a different way of learning and taking on new ideas. I hope to make learning as enjoyable as possible, whilst also working towards specific subject targets.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Buckingham2022PGCETeacher of Physical Education
Coventry Univsersity2020MastersStrength and Conditioning (Applied Sports Science)
University of Leeds2018BachelorsSports and Exercise Science
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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