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Online English and French Tutor

I qualified as a teacher (PGCE) in 2015. I have a first class degree in French and Italian, a Distinction level MA in Linguistics, and am currently pursuing an ESRC-funded PhD in Linguistics.

Tutoring Experience

I'm a highly experienced teacher of MFL (French, Italian, Spanish), linguistics, experimental methods and statistics, and am passionate about my subject. I worked in mainstream secondary schools/sixth form colleges for four years. I currently working in Higher Education.

Tutoring Approach

I'm able to build rapport easily and maintain interest. My lessons are engaging, tailored for each student, and focus on developing core skills and subject knowledge as dictated by the curriculum. I have been involved in teacher training and am constantly adapting and improving my own teaching practice based on current research.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Italian, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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University of Leeds2014BachelorsFrench & Italian
University of East London2014ProfessionalSKE in Spanish
University of Manchester2014PGCEPGCE/QTS (Secondary)
University of Manchester2015PGCESecondary MFL
University of Manchester2021MastersLinguistics
Rating from 2 references


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