I am 41 years old, an enthusiastic, friendly person who enjoys teaching. I have excellent communication skills. flexible in time.
teaching in high school for 9 months as a tutor and 9 months in university as a lecturer assistant.
I use different books in maths. I also try different methods to get to the answer,the one which is easier to understand for my tutee ,will be used to do the other simillar tasks.
I start from easy topics moving towards the harder ones and assessments will be taken during every few sessions.
Languages | Persian |
Availability | Weekdays (daytime) |
References Available | On File |
leicester college | 2016 | College | GCSE maths&English | |
Iran.High school | 1994 | College | A Level in maths | |
Iran.Tehran University | 2007 | Masters | restoration of ancient objects | |
Iran,Azad university | 1998 | College | Architecture |