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In my professional life I have had a versatile and varied career both as a design professional In textiles for interiors and as a part time teacher and lecturer in art and design. I have an academic background, having studied English as part of a split degree at Exeter University. I currently have my own studio In Bournemouth where I create my own range of designs.This has given me a broad and adaptable range of skills and I count the ability to teach as one of my most important skills.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught at a variety of levels and contexts. I was a VT at Arts University Bournemouth until recently teaching on the Foundation course. I was part of the short courses team at AUB running my own classes in Life Painting, Painting in the landscape and textile craft and design. I was also delivering lectures on the Foundation and Textile Degree courses in design history and context. On a practical level I teach both drawing and painting skills as well as textiles for print. I have proven success in portfolio building for accessing FE and He as well as running classes for leisure at my studio.

Tutoring Approach

I find teaching an extremely rewarding shared experience. Confidence building is key to my approach and to drawing out the best in people at all levels of age and stages in life. My own skill set is broad based which I feel is an advantage where currently we need to be extremely adaptable in our methods of learning whether aiming for the next educational step of the ladder, professional job or purely for leisure and enjoyment. Removed

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Exeter University1975BachelorsDegree English/Fine Art
Huddersfield University1980ProfessionalDiploma Textile Design
Bournemouth and Poole College2005ProfessionalCertEd
Rating from 2 references


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