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Online Tuition for Maths and Physics

I am a Cambridge medicine student looking to offer my expertise of the medicine application process to aspiring applicants. I offer BMAT and UCAT tuition alongside interview practise and my prior students have had great success. I also offer GCSE and A level tutoring for Maths, Biology and Chemistry for which I am highly qualified.

Tutoring Experience

I have 3 years of experience in GCSE tutoring and 1 year in A level tutoring / entrance exam preparation.

Tutoring Approach

I give a thorough explanation of the theory behind each topic, asking the students questions throughout the session to ensure they are keeping up with the material. In some sessions there will be a greater focus on sample exam questions though in normal lessons the focus is placed on understanding the content before questions are attempted.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Tiffin School2019SchoolGCSE mathematics- 9
Tiffin School2019SchoolGCSE chemistry- 9
Tiffin School2019SchoolGCSE biology- 9
Tiffin School2019SchoolGCSE physics- 9
Tiffin School2021SchoolA level Mathematics - A*
Tiffin school2021SchoolA level Biology - A*
Tiffin School2021SchoolA level Chemistry - A*
Tiffin School2021SchoolA level Further Mathematics - A*
Tiffin School2020SchoolBMAT - 7.3/7.7/3A
Tiffin School2020SchoolUKCAT - 3000/ Band 1
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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