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I have seventeen years teaching experience and eleven years tutoring experience. I am enthusiastic, hard working, dedicated and an excellent communicator. I am extremely passionate about teaching and enjoy seeing a pupil's confidence and enthusiasm grow in every area.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught and tutored pupils of primary school age and secondary up to GCSE. I have worked in a variety of schools, both in the independent and public sector gaining experience in teaching pupils with special educational needs and more able and talented pupils. I have also had experience preparing pupils for SATs and entrance examinations.

Tutoring Approach

I am known for being an approachable teacher and an excellent communicator. I have high but achievable expectations and expect pupils to give their best to achieve their goals. Using informal assessment I plan each pupil's objectives, tasks and activities tailored to suit their specific needs. I pride myself on my professional approach and have an excellent manner with pupils making them feel at ease. I employ a variety of teaching methods and adapt lessons according to specific pupil needs. I endeavour to make learning as enjoyable as I can to increase confidence and desire to learn in a positive atmosphere.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Bangor University2007BachelorsB.Ed (Hons) Degree in Primary Education

Natasha's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Click here for more Entrance Exams tutors