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English and English (Foreign Language) Teacher in Cambridge

A competent and friendly English Teacher who can really get you started in speaking better English or help you build your language confidence.
I can teach all aspects of the language, from grammar and speaking practice to preparing you for IELTs and Life in the UK exams. Business English. All levels are welcome, from beginners to advance.
Having worked with adults and children in various settings, I am a strong believer in the ‘learning through role play’ approach and have created and tailored hundred of engaging lessons for a variety of levels, often developing my own learning materials as well as using recommended course books. Англійська мова. Уроки у вас вдома. Професійний викладач (англійська та російська - рідні мови) з багаторічним досвідом роботи у провідних мовних коледжах Кембриджу та кваліфікацією СELTA допоможе заговорити англійською або перейти на новий рівень володіння мовою в найкоротші терміни. Усі аспекти мови: розмовна, граматика, сприйняття на слух, ділова або академічна англійська, підготовка до IELTs, до екзамену на візу чи громадянство. Уроки у вас вдома (центр. Лондон або Кембридж) або zoom, за зручним для вас графіком, дружня атмосфера занять та вимірний прогрес. Рекомендації.
Телефонуйте на мобільний або WhatsApp.

Tutoring Experience

~CELTA qualification (Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).
~Seven years of teaching experience with leading London and Cambridge language schools. I currently teach at Cambridge Regional College.
~ Over 100 private students from all over the world.
~ Two years as a Russian and English teacher in Cambridge Russian School.
~Provided professional and business English training to staff of leading companies in different industries and locations in individual and group training settings.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutoring is to make the sessions engaging and relevant. While the grammar is important and fascinating it is not an end in itself, it only serves as just a vehicle to convey ideas and thoughts. I help my students to overcome the language barrier by shifting the focus from 'how do I say this?" to 'what I am going to say?" thus lowering their anxiety about potential grammar mistakes and boosting their confidence.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Russian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Lensoveta University of Technology. St Petersburg1990MastersBA Chemical Engineering
IMISP1995ProfessionalBusiness English Teacher
Cambridge Certificate. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages2019ProfessionalCELTA

Nadia's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Casual Learner£40£36
English (Foreign Language)In-personOnline
Casual Learner£45£40.50
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