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Private Online Maths and Physics Tuition

I have recently finished studying Dentistry аt the University оf Bristоl and have been offering personal tuition for many years. During this time I have helped many people from a wide range of ages and abilities with exams ranging from foundation years of degree courses to GCSE and A-Levels. I have always received positive feedback from my tutees, and it is a job I thoroughly enjoy doing.

I studied my A-levels at St Joseph's College in Staffordshire studying Biology, Chemisty, Physics and Maths. In my AS exams I achieved 4 A's, all above 90%. In my final A-level exams I achieved A*A*AA in Physics, Biology, Maths and Chemistry (respectively).

Tutoring Experience

Before going to university I was employed by a teaching/tutoring franchise for more than a year. This involved teaching English and maths to children of a wide range of abilities and ages. I learnt to adapt teaching styles to suit the student and also received regular training with other staff members where we looked at the best ways of teaching.

I continued to tutor during my 5 years at university, this experience has contributed to an in depth knowledge of every exam board's A-Level and GCSE maths and sciences syllabus as well as good knowledge of what the examiners expect in answers to exam questions.

My approach to tutoring builds confidence into every student by showing them how the topics they learn translate into questions on an exam.

Tutoring Approach

For GCSE and A-Level my tutoring revolves around exam papers which are a fantastic way of revising content while also gaining good exam skills, pasting the questions onto a whiteboard (that you can see using the share screen function) and using a graphics tablet allows annotations and diagrams to be drawn to explain the content.

With more than 10 years of tutoring experience I have a firm grasp of what is in the syllabus of every subject I teach and what the examiners are looking for in answers. I have found that revolving tutoring around exam papers leads to excellent results through combining a good understanding of the topic with a method to answering questions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Bristol2017BachelorsBachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
St Joseph's College2012CollegeGrade A* in A-Level Biology (94% in A2) and Physics (95% in A2)
St Joseph's College2012CollegeGrade A in A-Level Chemistry (89% in A2) and Maths (89% in A2)

Michael's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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