Marcus is very good tutor , we are happy with him.
From Helen
Very professional. He can quickly improve students’ weak topics in just a short amount of time which is extremely helpful. Would greatly recommend.
Helped by an keen bright student who wants to improve
From Janina
Marcus has been an excellent teacher to my son. He has bought resources to be completed aswell as teaching him.My son is 17 and would also recommend him as a great teacher.
From Fathiya
Just under 8 weeks before my daughters A level Biology exam Marcus began to tutor my daughter. Within this short period of time, he pushed my daughters grade from a B to an A. I am extremely thankful for his help. He is an amazing tutor.
From Jianping
very good tutor
From Viateur
Marcus is very highly rated for his services. He is always on time and knows his subject. He is very experienced.
From Anjla
Over the short time that Marcus has been tutoring my son he has helped him with understanding the subject.
From Diane
My daughter is new to Marcus at the moment but the lessons so far have been a huge help to her as he has helped her to understand the problems she was struggling with at college. So far so good.
keep on working hard i am sure you improve your grades "practice make better"
From Rafiq
Marcus is extremely knowledgeable thoroughly professional in his approach. My nephew found Marcus to be of great value in his preparation for the exams.
From Saiqa
hi,misplaced your contact details, please could you send them again. thank you, saiqa
From Assad
Dr marcus is a great tutor with variety of teaching methods to ensure the student benefits and makes progress quickly. I find that he is well prepared and has access to important information. The lessons are well structured and concise and worth the money.
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