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Private Maths and English Tuition in Newport

I am a qualified primary school teacher and musician living in Newport. Before the pandemic I worked as a regular supply teacher in 2 primary schools. I privately tutored 3 students, including Welsh and ALN
I find making subjects relevant and fun provides better results!
I speak a good standard of Welsh, and have particular successes in improving literacy and numeracy up to GCSE.

Tutoring Experience

I qualified as a mature student in 2010, and have extra training in ASD, ADHD, behaviour and social issues.

I speak French and Welsh and can teach several musical instruments and singing.

Tutoring Approach

I plan lessons carefully, and find an interactive approach utilising ICT more effective. I am very easy going but also demand a high commitment to achievement.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Welsh
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Swansea University 2000BachelorsPsychology
Bath Spa 2010PGCEPrimary teaching with masters
Crosskeys college 1997CollegeA level English , History, Sociology
Bassaleg Comprehensive 1995SchoolGCSE x 10 A-C

Madeleine's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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