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Maths and Physics Tuition in Cheltenham

Hello! My name is Maddy and I offer tutoring in Maths and Physics for GCSE, A-Level, University or the casual learner. I have a Physics degree from Imperial College London and a Masters in Space Engineering. My day job is a Data Scientist and I am lucky enough to have worked at some really interesting places, including NATO and most recently the European Space Agency! (You can see a rocket in the background of my profile picture) I love all things space and am very happy to talk about data science or space careers at length. I am DBS checked and can supply a link to verify this.

I am currently tutoring part-time only - contact me for availability!

Tutoring Experience

I have many years of tutoring experience, including prep for 11+ entrance exams and exam boards including Edexcel, Pearson OCR, AQA and iGCSE.

Tutoring Approach

I am friendly and approachable, with the aim of helping you to understand the content and applying it to get the correct answer! I genuinely enjoy tutoring and want all my students to succeed.

I am also available for help with personal statements for applications to STEM courses.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Imperial College London2013BachelorsPhysics
Cranfield University2024MastersAstronautics and Space Engineering
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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