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Private Maths and Physics Tuition in Waltham Cross

I am an inquisitive person who has always been passionate about learning, and sharing knowledge with others. I see education as one of the most important things in the world, and for this reason, I would like to share my passion for Mathematics with others and open many doors for people eager to learn.
I have an unorthodox educational background that has benefited me greatly, and I believe will be a great benefit to all prospective students. I self-taught the AQA A-Level Physics course from books after my passion for the subject had been ignited, and from there decided to pursue this at University level, switching from my educational path in Business. I completed a Foundation Year in Physics before switching to and completing a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, achieving a First Class Honours without any traditional A-Levels in either subject.
I believe my experience of teaching myself and having to initially catch up with students possessing more conventional learning backgrounds has equipped me with the tools I need to really break down concepts and problems into their simplest parts for students.

Tutoring Experience

Throughout my studies at University, I have consistently led study groups of my peers to better prepare them for examinations and assignments. These sessions involved revision of concepts, with relevant examples and problems put forward to reinforce key concepts for learning.
Besides this, I have taken a more personal approach and individually helped University level students - at my own alma mater and at other Universities through referrals - in both Mathematics and Physics, as I spend my free time educating myself in both fields, among others.

Tutoring Approach

I encourage a hands-on approach with lots of relevant practice and examples to improve specific targeted areas that students struggle with. This will involve an initial discussion with the student about their challenges within the subject. I will help mend any incorrect or incomplete thought processes and give my students the knowledge and experience they need to tackle these problems and their exams with confidence.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Aberystwyth University2024BachelorsMathematics (BSc)
Rating from 2 references


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