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I am a teacher in the local area teaching Chemistry and Biology from Year 7 to A Level.

I have tutored for the past eleven years and have successfully seen pupils through their 11 plus, GCSE Science double and triple awards, as well as A-Level Biology and Chemistry.

I am a marker for GCSE Biology on behalf of a UK exam board.#/k#

Tutoring Experience

I carried out my PGCE at Goldsmiths University, where I specialised in Chemistry and Biology. I have taught all three sciences at GCSE and have prepared pupils for exams with AQA, OCR and Edexcel.
I have taught and tutored for Biology and Chemistry A-Level courses for AQA, OCR, EDUQAS and SNAB.

Tutoring Approach

I use a range of techniques to ensure that the young people I tutor have both a sound understanding of science and are able to achieve high grades in their public examinations. This means reviewing work that they have covered in their own school, ensuring they can apply their knowledge to exam questions and practising data skills such as graph interpretation and manipulation.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Goldsmith’s College, University of London 2012PGCESecondary Science: Chemistry
University of Kent2004BachelorsBiomedical Science

Lucy's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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