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Private Online History and Psychology Tuition

I am a university lecturer teaching across various levels of study in various subjects of Politics and IR. I also supervise PhD and MA students. I hold a DPhil from the University of Johannesburg and a MA from King's College London, as well as a certificate in Learning and Teaching from Queen Mary University of London. I am able to offer tutoring in a wide range of subjects in the discipline (as well as in Psychology, which I majored in at undergraduate level) and am also available for dissertation and essay-writing consultation, exam preparation, and guidance on university applications. Moreover, given my experience on scholarship selection panels, I am able to provide guidance and feedback on scholarships applications.

Tutoring Experience

I have nine years of experience teaching university students both in the UK and South Africa, at Coventry University, Queen Mary University of London, and the University of Johannesburg. In 2023 I was awarded the University of Johannesburg's Faculty of Humanities' Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. I have supervised in excess of 20 students to completion of their research, many of whom have achieved distinctions. I am widely published in the area of security studies and also act as the editor of an academic journal on African security. I have formed part of scholarship selection panels for the Chevening Scholarship and the Canon Collins Trust.

Tutoring Approach

My approach is first and foremost one of building trust, such that there can be an open and honest rapport between myself and the student. I am patient and understanding and aim to improve skill levels and build confidence. My pedagogical approach draws on the Constructivist paradigm, which centres students in the making of mean and the act of learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Afrikaans
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Johannesburg2016DoctorateD.Litt et Phil in Political Studies
King's College London2011MastersMA in International Peace and Security
University of Johannesburg2010BachelorsBA Hons in Political Studies
Queen Mary University of London2024ProfessionalCertificate in Learning and Teaching
Rating from 2 references


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