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Muswell Hill English (Foreign Language) and Sociology Tutor

Head of Sociology/Senior examiner with AQA A Level Sociology/Qualified Social Sciences Teacher teaching GCSE Sociology, A Level Sociology, A Level Psychology, Health and Social Care, and Criminology for nearly 10 years.
Furthermore, I am completing a PhD in Criminology. My doctorate studies greatly assist with teaching the units on crime and deviance and research methods.
For the last four years over 70% of my classes have achieved A*-A grades this is due to my knowledge as an examiner and outstanding teaching practise.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught for 12 years. I spent 8 years in an inner London school and since then have been working in a grammar school where I am Head of Sociology and in charge of whole school teacher training.
My students have been of mixed ability and I have a track record of consistently achieving excellent results across both the subjects that I teach.
I have experience of tutoring undergraduate and postgraduate Sociology and Criminology students.
I am a senior examiner with AQA A Level SOciology as well as being a Standards Verifier (SV) for Edexcel L3 Health and Social Care. These roles have given me a deeper understanding of exactly what the exam board are looking for. All of my A Level Sociology students know how to write a 30 mark essay and achieve at least a B grade for the essay by the end of the first half term, this is as a result of me being an examiner.
I have tutored undergraduate and postgraduate Sociology and Criminology students, currently I am tutoring two Criminology postgraduate (masters) students. I can offer to tutor across several modules to Sociology and Criminology students in higher education, do message me if you require clarification on which topics I am able to offer.

Tutoring Approach

I always ensure that my lessons are tailored to suit the needs of my students, this occurs by discussing learning styles with students at the beginning of the course as well as monitoring learning styles on a frequent basis.
My teaching style is always tailored to the individual student, I use several methods to teach and mentor each student. Some of these methods consist of; reading and explaining subjects/topics they struggle with; asking questions to analyse whether my lessons are effective; creating work sheets; probing the student to ensure they can explain the subject/topic/concepts back to me; collating and giving exams questions to complete and correct to ensure the student has a bank of knowledge ready for the exams.
I have a sense of humour but am also very disciplined in ensuring that students achieve the best that they possibly can.
I will expect tutees to complete essays and I will mark these. For H&SC students I am willing to read through coursework and provide feedback.
I am also able to offer small group sessions, so for e.g for a group of 3-6 tutees, prices for such sessions can be negotiated.
For undergraduate and postgraduate students, I am happy to guide you through how to construct your assignments and provide you detailed support/feedback.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Bengali, Hindi, Urdu
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


City University2011BachelorsBA Criminology
University of Greenwich2012PGCEPostgraduate Certificate in Post-compulsory education
University of Leicester2019DoctoratePhD Criminology
Rating from 2 references


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