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Having gained qualified teacher status in 1976, I teach from Key Stage one through to GCSE level English. My teacher training was in Liverpool where I studied Child Development and Psychology. My subject specialism is English Language, a subject I am passionate about. While I agree that change is a necessary part of modern society, I believe that the basic rules of grammar are constant and form our literary heritage.
I spent twenty years teaching English in Greece. When I returned to England I taught English, Numeracy and IT skills to adults.
My skills are wide ranging. I make a point of adapting to the child's needs and setting mutually agreed targets to monitor progress.
I have recently retired from full time teaching but I still produce resources for exam boards and mark English Language GCSE for AQA. In the past I taught English as a Second Language to non English speakers during the summer at a prestigious private school.
I am highly regarded by both parents and children.

Tutoring Experience

Dynamic and driven I have taught in the private sector for over 40 years. I pride myself on keeping up to date with evolving trends in Education. To be honest the basics rarely change.
I have recently retired from teaching English at a local Secondary school in both the English Department and SEN Department where I also provided dyslexia and pastoral support through Key stages 3 and 4. My continued focus is on grammar and spelling as well as creative writing and I can guarantee marked improvement in these areas. Being a skilled practitioner I am well-liked and maintain an excellent rapport with students.
Recent trends show that children with dyslexia and dyscalculia are being recognised and supported in schools. I do not see these as obstacles to learning but rather as challenges which once overcome give pupils renewed confidence in their own ability.
My results speak for themselves. In the 2019 and more recently in the 2023 English Literature and Language exams all of my tutees passed. A couple of those had been virtually abandoned by their school as 'no-hopers'. I am happy to have proved them wrong.

I have been successful as a marking examiner for AQA for more than ten years. Marking the English Language paper one for AQA is an enriching experience which I have been able to pass on to tutees. . The feedback I have had from senior examiners has been exemplary. Despite teaching different examination boards where the goalposts are constantly changing I am quickly able to make a fair assessment on the student's ability and potential.

Tutoring Approach

I adapt the scheme of work to suit the student's requirements. Flexibility is vital in tutoring and I will always find the best way for a particular student to learn. Learning should be fun. My methodology involves ending every lesson by recapping on what has been learned. I follow the National Curriculum Framework and give targets and feedback on assessments and progress. I love my main subject which is English but am flexible enough to give guidance in other subjects. I have helped several pupils who have problems with maths at primary level and have genuinely struggled.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Greek
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Basic Skills Agency2001ProfessionalCore Curriculum Numeracy
British Computer Society2005ProfessionalECDL
Liverpool University1976CollegePrimary trained
Liverpool University1976CollegeCertificate of Education, Triple P practitioner, Speakeasy practitioner, Parent Support Advisor

Margaret's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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